School uniform is in place so that all children can share a sense of belonging and it creates an identity for the school within the community.
It is important for children to wear their uniform with pride and adhere to the rules of the school.
In addition, it takes away any peer pressure about being dressed appropriately and in the latest trend.
Please make sure that all uniform is clearly labelled.
It is extremely difficult to ensure that children come home in the correct jumper etc. if they are not labelled.
Children should come to school in their school PE kit on the days they have PE lessons. This alleviates problems with forgotten kit and time taken to change.
School Uniform
Grey or black trousers (long or short)
Grey pinafore dress or skirt
Red/White gingham summer dress/shorts
White shirt and school tie
Red V neck sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school badge
School fleece (optional)
Plain black shoes
Black, grey or white socks
Red or grey tights
PE Kit
Red shorts
White t - shirt (with or without the school badge)
Plain black jogging bottoms
A school hoody (optional) or to wear their school jumper on PE days
Appropriate trainers (preferably with laces so that the trainer can be tightened to ensure it is to secure across the foot to avoid injuries)
Many of the above items can be purchased at the local supermarkets.
Both Impressions in Golborne and Slaters Schoolwear Centre in Wigan stock our school uniform and also sell our book bags.
Please note that the wearing of jewellery is not permitted in school; pupils may however wear a plain watch and if ears are pierced children may wear plastic earring retainers only.
In addition, when children are having PE lessons, the BAALPE safe practice guidance states that no jewellery should be working during PE activities and therefore ear retainers should be removed before they come to school on PE day.
Extreme hairstyles are forbidden, this includes tramlines, excessive hair gel and coloured dye.