Mandatory Information

Information Location

School Name, Postal Address and a Telephone Number, along with a contact name for enquiries.

This information can be found on our contact details page.

Either Admission arrangements (including selection arrangements, oversubscription criteria and details of the application process), or information on how to access this information on the local authority's website.

Please view information via School Information tab and select Admissions from the list.
Details of how parents can access the school's most recent inspection report, as well as the School Performance Tables published on the Department of Education's website. A link to our most recent ofsted report plus a link to the parentview website can be found on our ofsted page.

For schools with Key Stage 2 pupils, the most recent results, provided under the following headings (as published online by DfE):

  • % achieving Level 4 or above in English and Maths
  • % making expected progress
  • % achieving Level 5 or above in English
  • % achieving Level 5 or above in Maths

You can see our latest results on our OFSTED data dashboard.

For each academic year group:

  • Curriculum content and details of how additional information relating to the curriculum may be obtained by parents
  • For Key Stage 1, the names of any phonics or reading schemes in operation

Curriculum content for each year group can be found under each of the classes pages.

Details of our phonics scheme can be found on our policies page.

The school's policy on behaviour

This can be accessed on our policies page.

The amount of the school's allocation from the Pupil Premium grant for the current academic year, and:

  • how it is intended that this is spent
  • how the previous academic year's allocation was spent, and the effect of this on the educational attainment of pupils for whom the funding was allocated.
Pupil premium details can be found on the additional funding page.

A report prepared by the school highlighting its policy for pupils with special educational needs, and how this is being implemented.

Our inclusion policy can be accessed on our policies page. 
The school's charging and remissions policy.

The charging policy can be accessed on our policies page.

A statement of the school's ethos and values


The school prospectus is currently being updated.

Schools Financial Benchmarking

You can access our financial information here: 

Number of employees whose gross annual salary exceeds £100,000 
